10 Best NTM Articles of 2025: Industry News, Customer Stories, and More!

Industry News & Information
Rick Zand|December 17, 2024

2024 brought new growth and innovations at New Tech Machinery (NTM), and visiting our customers really showed us how our equipment helps drive their success. From South Carolina to Colorado, we witnessed contractors doing incredible work with NTM machines. It’s inspiring to watch their metal roofing, manufacturing, and gutter operations in action, and see first-hand how NTM machines support their businesses.

We also made the buying experience easier this year with the release of our Mach II Gutter Machine shopping site. Now, you can configure your gutter machine, choose accessories, and complete your purchase online.

At METALCON 2024, we featured our ConceptQ machine, a prototype SSQ roof and wall panel machine with twelve concept features. Customer feedback led the charge on making the concept features a reality, and we appreciated all of the responses we received from our ConceptQ survey.

So, in case you missed something or just want to reflect on what’s happened this past year in metal rollforming, take a look at the 10 best articles and access their links for the full versions.

Help wanted sign

1. The Problem of Finding Roofers in a Tight Labor Market

This article addresses a major challenge we hear from our customers: finding good labor. The labor market is shrinking as birthrates in the US decline. This article dives into the causes of the labor shortage and what you can do to attract and retain workers.

In this article you’ll find a few valuable tips on how to build your labor force.

AI image for construction

2. The Impact of AI on the Metal Roofing Industry

2024 may be remembered at as the year artificial intelligence permeated every industry, from marketing and finance to engineering, medicine, and yes, roofing. It seems we’re at the precipice of the greatest changes since the industrial and technological revolutions. While much uncertainty exists as to where AI may lead, one thing is certain: It can help roofers do their jobs. This one was republished in Design and Build with Metal and quickly became their most viewed article.

Lahaina fires

3. Saving the Earth With Metal, Part 1: Fire Resistance

While it may be true that metal roofing alone can’t save the environment, this first installment of a three-part series that includes environmental benefits and tax benefits and LEED credits explores the advantages of metal roofing in fire-prone areas. As we’re seeing more wildfires across the country–including now in the northeast–metal roofing will have a huge impact on the consumer market. In western states like Colorado and Utah, it’s getting harder for folks living in wildfire areas to protect and insure their homes.

This article examines how metal roofing is perfect in fire-prone areas due to its class A firing rating.

Tax deduction calculator

4. Section 179 Tax Deduction: Maximizing Savings on a Portable Rollformer

This tax break will save you money not only on your new machine, but it covers office equipment, business vehicles, commercial property improvements, and more. In this article, we explore what Section 179 includes, how much you can claim, and more. Plus, as opposed to a bonus depreciation write-off that takes place over several years, you can receive all of this deduction the same year that you acquire your equipment.

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gutter business truck

5. Cost and What to Know: Starting a Business With a Portable Gutter Machine

In this article, we’re not talking about a fly-by-night Chuck in a Truck. Professionals getting into the gutter industry with a portable seamless gutter machine may know all the ins and outs of gutter fabrication and installation, but running an operation involves operational costs, marketing, and much more. Find out what you need to know about starting a gutter business in this informative blog.

metal coil manufacturing

6. Review of Metal Coil Suppliers for Rollforming and Metal Construction

The coil market has evolved dramatically the past few years. In fact, it’s still evolving with the steady release of new products and finishes. However, not every metal coil manufacturer offers the same selection or quality. This article breaks down what suppliers have to offer and delves into the quality specs of their products. Whether you choose to stick with one supplier or shop around, you’ll find this article an invaluable reference.

power seamer

7. The Best Metal Roof Power Seamers on the Market

NTM customers often ask advice from us about metal roofing power seamers. Since we don’t manufacture or sell power seamers, we put together this article that lays out the different brands and types, along with which companies either rent or sell the equipment. If you’re looking for a power seamer, chances are you’ll find it here.


8. The Future of Portable Rollforming: The ConceptQ Prototype Rollforming Machine

NTM’s prototype ConceptQ machine created a great deal of buzz at METALCON 2024 in Atlanta, where we unveiled our prototype SSQ with 12 conceptual features. We posted online surveys and handed out survey cards at the show to get your feedback. Features included window covers, a self-lubricating shear, tool-less tooling, and much more. Check it out for yourself and glimpse into the future of portable rollforming.

Ron Schell with his first gutter machine

9. The Return of the Original Mach II Polyurethane Drive Gutter Machine to NTM

NTM’s Ron Schell, a pioneer of the portable rollforming, receives the first Mach II gutter machine back to the plant after 30 years out in the field. Although looking worse for wear, in minutes Ron had it running a perfect gutter. Read this article by Ron himself and watch the video where he examines the machine for the first time since he built it three decades ago.

Standing seam project

10. Standing Seam in Durango, Colorado: Higher Ground Roofing’s Tamarron Resort Project

We witnessed some outstanding work by NTM machine users during our customer visits. The fact is NTM machines are producing amazing work across the country with metal roofs, flush wall and board and batten siding, and quality seamless gutters. We spent a week traveling across Colorado this past fall and viewed some beautiful work in Crested Butte and Durango. The Tamarron Resort project stands out given its scope of replacing traditional roofs with standing seam metal on a series of condos. Learn all about the project in this informative article featuring Higher Ground Roofing’s owner, Ross McDermott.

Excited About 2025?

At NTM, we’re looking forward to the new opportunities 2025 brings, whether it’s new products, expansion of our services, or visits to our customers. We also value your feedback and want to hear your thoughts and opinions as we move forward, as our evolution is based on the needs of customers.

We wish you a healthy and productive new year. As NTM owners, you’re a valuable part of our operation, and we couldn’t do what we do without your continued support. We appreciate each one of you and are excited for our continued partnerships next year and beyond.

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To find out more about our machines and products, contact us. Our expert account managers are always available to answer any questions you may have.

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